
Participant Services

EPIC's greatest strength is its hands-on involvement with you, the 401K participant.  Not only can you participate in group training, but you can take advantage of one-on-one communication with our investment and retirement experts.

Questions about your Plan?  Questions about your Plan’s investment options?  Concern about investment performance?  Questions about which Plan feature may be of most benefit to you?  Speak with an EPIC representative who can provide one-on-one guidance related to these and other individual questions.  Or, if you prefer, schedule a face-to-face meeting or simply drop us an email.  We’re here to provide you with information you need to help pursue your retirement goals.

Plan Participant Strategies

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What investment you choose depends on the following:

  • Your own risk tolerance
  • Your understanding of the investments
  • When you started saving for retirement
  • The amount you are saving
  • Your target retirement age
  • Other investments for retirement - outside your 401k Plan

By definition, estate planning is a process designed to help you manage and preserve your assets while you are alive, and conserve and control their distribution after your death according to your goals and objectives.  But what estate planning means to you specifically depends on who you are.  Your age, health, wealth, lifestyle, life stage, goals and many other factors determine your particular estate planning needs.

Upon request, EPIC Retirement Services Consulting can provide you with individual wealth management services including:

  • Integration of corporate benefits with individual estate planning objectives
  • Customized planning – exploring:

       Irrevocable Trusts

       Leveraged Gifting

       Discounted Valuation

       Charitable Planning Techniques

       Durable Power of Attorney

       Advanced Medical Directive

       Life Insurance
  • Estate Planning – Planning your estate requires thoughtful consideration of a number of key issues.
  • Selection of Beneficiaries of the estate, Executor of your Will, Guardians of your children
  • Strategies to avoid probate costs
  • Arrangement to save death taxes

This information is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized tax or legal advice. We suggest that you discuss your specific situation with a qualified tax or legal advisor.


Every stage of life has its own financial needs and concerns.

Follow this link for help on targeting the key financial strategies and issues that are likely to be most important to you in each stage of your life.